Kent O. McIntosh

Houseplant Picture Studio

HPS is a totally SPONTANEOUS website which means that things are "done" spontaneously around here which (in layman's terms) means that little or no "planning" is ever involved in this venture, other than maybe a vague idea or two that evolve into bigger ideas and then are perhaps transferred (in artistic terms...) to this multi-faceted website. In other words, if you're going to learn anything important from this here website (HPS) then it would be best (for you) to check back often and in fact if you really want to become a much better (and more well-rounded...) human person then just keep  HPS open in your browser of choice 24 hours per day all the time on your little computer...because we're spontaneous! “                                    For some reason, the link isn’t working.  Go to            

Web Links

External links to some photos, sites I find interesting or useful, and other miscellaneous links.

These are in no particular order.  When I have time, I’ll arrange them somewhat.



The official Frank Zappa web site

Quite simply, the greatest musician who’s ever lived (with apologies to Kurt Benbenek, The Shatners, et al.).

Clan Mackintosh of North America

A different spelling, but still my clan.


"Fact Checker for the Internet"

"The Single Best Source for Facts"

The At;antic

Monthly magazine

One Look

Dictionary Search

Long Beach Press-Telegram

My home-town paper (though I don’t read it)

Other Zappa links

Other “greatest musician” links

Los Angeles Times

My greater home-town paper (though I don’t read it either)


Scholarly Internet Resource Collections at UCR (my alma mater)


The Southern California Directory and Search Engine for Greater Los Angeles, Orange County and the Inland Empire


"Birding with a Purpose”


How To Do Just About Everything


the oldest & largest free Q&A service on the Internet


"Before you buy anything”


""Where Technology Means Business"

The Internet Public Library

“a learning/teaching environment”


""The Independent Guide to Technology"

Project Gutenberg

“The Internet's oldest producer of free electronic books "

State of California

Government web site

Before forwarding along all those inane emails about computer viruses, gang initiations, charity donations from bottle caps, etc., please visit these sites. Most of what you receive by e-mail is bogus.


"The Skeptics Society: Devoted to the Promotion of Science & Critical Thinking and the Investigation of Extraordinary Claims and Revolutionary Ideas"


Urban Legends Reference Pages


The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry

Skeptic News

‘The 'What's New' Page for Skeptics’

Skeptic Tank

The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry


for computer-virus hoaxes


American Society of Civil Engineers

Find a Grave

Find graves of the famous and not-so-famous (my father is buried in Oregon)


“the largest social ;publishing company in the world”:  on-line books and other texts

Tau Beta Pi

The International Engineering Honor Society

Chi Epsilon

The National Civil Engineering Honor Society

University of California, Riverside

One of my alma maters.  I’m also a member of the alumni association.

California State University, Long Beach

My other alma mater.  I’m a member of the alumni association here, too.


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